clothes, FASHION, jewellery, PLACES, stuff to do

Oriental Saturday

November 7, 2011


On Saturday Jo and I went to the Oriental Plaza to do some button shopping. We found a few that we liked, but we also found some stuff that we LOVED. Yip we scored in the ‘stuff that we don’t really need but must have’ department. Look at some of the treasures we bought home.

1. A brown leather bowtie that was part of some old stock from a shop that has been running since the 1930’s. Its still attached to it’s original amazing packaging and everything. It’s so awesome.

2. I found 3 small tin parrot brooches, that are just too beautiful and so detailed that make me want to smash them with a hammer they’re so sweet. They were R5 each!



3. We also found these amazing ‘junk’ rings for R2 each. I know they’re probably going to turn my finger some weird shade of unknown acid green, but I don’t care, I love them.


4. Then this is one of best things that came home with me on Saturday thanks to Stubs. Hahahaa this necklace makes me laugh so much. First of all it’s guaranteed 22 carat gold clad, which means that the whole R20 that we paid for it was money super well spent. I mean gold is after all an investment, right? I just wish I knew what the designer was thinking or drinking, when he thought that a pair of severed legs and a severed foot with the word ‘help’ on it floating on a running vest was a good idea for a piece of ladies jewelry. Flip man, this is truly one of the best things I have ever owned.


5. Jo an I also each got a pretty floral scarf from a shop so packed with stuff that we actually lost each other for a few minutes. This was also a really nice find.


Don’t you love it when you find stuff that you weren’t looking for and they land up being some of the coolest things you own?

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  • Lea November 7, 2011 at 8:32 am

    I really love the things you guys found! And at bragin prices too! I need to do a rummage around the Oriental soon – I love that place AND they make the best samoosas anywhere EVER, I’m busy dreaming about a corn and cheese samoosa right now, hmmmm

  • angie November 7, 2011 at 9:11 am

    We so had samoosas, they were oily and amazing 🙂

  • Jenty November 7, 2011 at 9:25 am

    LOL those are such random finds 🙂

  • kat November 7, 2011 at 10:20 am

    oriental is always a fun filled time 🙂

  • Mel November 7, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    That is the funnies necklace I have ever seen. Wow.

  • Vicki November 10, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
    Can i buy one of your parrots…they are killing me. V x