I have decided that in between posts i’m going to blog about some cool stuff that I find on the net. I float around it all day long, so I might as well share with my friends. Yes. i’m starting off with an artist that I really like. Her name is Lauren Nassef. She draws such pretty pictures, I mailed her a while back about purchasing the one below, but it was sold already, such a pity, it’s so special. You can have a look at all of her work here. Enjoy.
Another wonderfully wonderful thing to check out online are the designs of local designer Jane Kotze, to see photos of her final year collection go to
So lovely and vintage-y
oooh yes i saw those yesterday, her brother is a friend of mine. such a talented family. maybe i will blog about that in the morning. thanks x
or at…
I believe this is her own personal site.
Yes, indeed they are! Siblings with names starting with a J, quite curious.
Wow, those drawings are kinda eerie in a way. Just checked her website, she’s super talented wow. X