I have taken loads of photos of Desmond and The Tutus in the past, in fact I probably have some of the funniest shots of them because I have stuff from when they first started playing together just over 10 years ago! They were all so young and sweet and small, Dougie you were so small! I mean Craig was still in high school for crying in a bucket.
I haven’t shot them in ages because I don’t go to as many gigs anymore, yip I was that girlfriend back in the day that used to go to every single show with my camera attached to my face. So I thought that seeing as I hadn’t photographed them in the while I’d organise a shoot with Adi.
We wanted to do something fun with the boys, we knew we wanted to shoot portraits but we wanted them to be a little out of the ordinary. So we went prop shopping and after a lot of stuffing around because we were literally in the best shop ever (trade secret) we found what we were looking for, we also thought it would be amazing if we had them wearing t-shirts with their own faces printed on the front. I mean who wouldn’t want to wear a t-shirt with their own face on it?! No one.
So here is the end result, let me know what you think and again if anyone has anything exciting they want shot, drop us a mail so we can have a chat – angie@hellogolden.co.za
PS: If you missed mine and Adi’s previous two shoots all you have to do is click here and here.
Here are some back in the day Desmond and the Tutus photos for you all to enjoy.
[…] If you missed our last three shoots just click here: One, two and three […]
[…] This is the second band shoot that Adi and I have done under our Churche label, you can check out the first one here if you’d […]