awesome stuff, handmade stuff

We’re everywhere.

September 26, 2008

Last night Doug, Shane andI started our new band ‘We’re Everywhere’ and we recorded a cover of the super cool Fleetwood Mac song ‘Everywhere’. It was fun fun fun fun. Have a listen, but not a laugh. A laugh will make me not have fun anymore. Ok maybe you can laugh just a little because it is quite funny and not that good hee. Sorry boys and sorry me.

Enjoy xxxx x


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  • Nicole October 1, 2008 at 10:32 am

    I listened to the WHOLE thing until the very end and I didn’t laugh once:) If only you all looked like fleetwood mac..

  • admin October 1, 2008 at 10:35 am

    aaa thanks nicole. i hope you danced a little in your feet or your face.

    if we were anything like fleetwood mac, our parents would cry tears of sadness and bodily fluids.
    how are you little lady?