bands/music, COOL STUFF

Josh Kempen – The River

July 18, 2016


Josh Kempen - The River

I love the fact that I’m surrounded by super talented people all the time, I always think to myself that I’m so lucky to know and get to feed off so many cool people that are always in the process of making cool stuff. One such person is my very talented friend Josh Kempen has just recently joined Warner Music South Africa team and on Friday released his debut single The River, which is such an awesome song!

Josh is one of many local musicians that I think need and deserves all the support in the world, so support him now and download his song here. You and your ears won’t be sorry.

Here are a few places you can get his song:

iTunes: https://goo.gl/srCZCh
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/…/a…/the-river-single/id1124259329…
Deezer: http://www.deezer.com/track/128547661…
simfyafrica: http://tinyurl.com/hgxs4d5

josh kempen - The river -2



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