bands/music, COOL STUFF, music time, other cool bloggers

Yo Grapes – Human of the Week

June 25, 2013

My brother-in-law who I affectionately call ‘Brother'(like Buster calls his siblings in Arrested Development) has just released his new video for ‘Human of the Week’, which features him and his girlfriend Anna-Belle. It’s such a cool song and the video, which was made by Ying and Tom is also a lot of fun to watch.

Well done Brother, you sing good. And well done Ying and Tom, you film good.

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  • Amy June 26, 2013 at 10:43 am

    any chance the video will be uploaded to Vimeo? Youtube is blocked in my office. Damns firewall

  • jimmy batis June 27, 2013 at 1:30 pm

    you got talent