
Vegan Milk Tart

February 27, 2018


Did you guys know that today is National Milk Tart Day? I love the fact that this South African sweet treat is loved so much that it needs its own special day, I would personally give it more than just one day, but hey that’s just me!

A milk tart is traditionally described as a shortbread crust with a milky filling and is said to come from the Dutch back in the 1600s. When I describe it I like to use the words ‘Can I have another slice please and make it a fat one?’. This tart makes me think of tea and Summer afternoons in the garden and I wish I actually made the effort to bake them more often. So seeing as it is National Milk Tart Day I thought I’d share the recipe for this Vegan Milktart that Nicole (before she left) and I made together in partnership with Maizena.

We have been making all sorts of things in my kitchen that are Vegan-friendly, gluten, wheat and sugar-free so it felt right to do this one with Maizena seeing as it is wheat and gluten free, which I didn’t know!



Another cool thing about this recipe is that it doesn’t require anything too out of the ordinary so it’s relatively easy to mix up. The end result yields a really nice tart which is definitely different to a traditional milk tart, but not in a bad way! It’s just not as sweet and the consistency is slightly different, but it still tasted really good. I think next time though I will use a slightly smaller baking dish so that it comes out a bit thicker. I used a 22cm cake tin with a push out bottom.

Ok, so this is what you’re going to need to make this Vegan Milk Tart.



1/4 cup cold margarine

1/4 cup maple syrup

1 cup wholewheat flour

1 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp nutmeg


2.5 cup soy milk

3 x Tbs Maizena Corn Flour

2 x Tbs Maple syrup

2 x Tbs Coconut sugar

3/4 tsp cinnamon and extra for sprinkling on top of the tart

1 tsp Moir’s Vanilla Essence



1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

2. In a large bowl sift together the flour, cinnamon and nutmeg.

3. Add the margarine and syrup and start working it into the flour until you have a nice soft dough consistency.

4. On a floured surface roll the dough out then place into a pie dish before pricking the bottom with a fork. Then place a piece of baking paper over your dough and pour either baking beans or uncooked rice onto it so you can blind bake the bottom. Bake it for about 15 minutes or until lightly brown, remove from heat, discard the rice and baking paper and let the crust cool.


1. In a small pot bring the two cups of soy milk to a boil with the cinnamon then add in the maple syrup, coconut sugar and vanilla, stir well.

2. Remove the pot from the heat. In a separate bowl mix the rest of the milk with the Maizena Corn Flour and then slowly add that to your hot milk mixture, return the pot to the stove stirring continuously until the mixture thickens.

3. Remove the mixture from heat and pour into the pie crust, allow to cool slightly before placing it in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. Once set take it out and sprinkle the top with cinnamon. It should be nice a set just like a traditional milk tart. Enjoy.








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  • Reply Tami April 14, 2018 at 4:48 pm

    Margarine is not vegan? Think that might be an error in the recipe. As a vegan, margarine is not part of it at all.

    • Reply angie July 3, 2018 at 3:45 pm

      Hi there

      Ole and Blossom margarine are Vegan 🙂

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