DESIGN, interiors

Toddler room makeover

January 25, 2019


For the first year and a bit of Rex’s life, he slept in a camp cot in our room. We live in a three bedroomed flat so when we decided that it was time to move him into his own space he landed up in the guest bedroom and because he was now old enough to try and escape his camp cot every time we put him in it, my anxiety levels were reaching all new levels of high, which meant it was time to get him a big boy bed.

Now making up a kid’s room from scratch can be quite pricey, but today in conjunction with Gumtree I’m going to share a couple of tips on how to be financially savvy when it comes to sprucing up, or in this case, changing up a room in your house.

This is the last post that I’m doing for this particular series and I’m quite sad that it’s come to an end because it’s been really fun and challenging coming up with ways on how to do certain things without breaking the bank.

If you missed any of my other four posts which were about a variety of things, then just click the links below:

When we first moved Rex into the guest room he slept on the floor on a mattress for the first week and a half. Shame, every time I walked in there I felt so sorry for him, it looked he was in between moving house and all his stuff was stuck in a storage container somewhere on the Indian Ocean – you get the picture 🙂

Then slowly but surely I started putting things together. I started by selling his camp cot and his high chair (that he also no longer liked) on Gumtree to put some cash towards this new room. I then repurposed a beautiful house bench that Shane had made Nina James when I was still pregnant with her! It was in our storeroom upstairs for a while and I felt like now was the perfect opportunity to revive it. We got it down, removed the legs, gave it a lick of awesome grey paint (amazing what some paint can do) and BOOM Rex had a sweet little structure to house his new bed in his new room.

Lucky for Shane I insisted on keeping it, otherwise, I would have had him building me a new one. If you’re keen to get stuck into making something like this, here’s a cool link on how to D.I.Y yourself a kiddies house bed.

Here’s another one, if you feel like a bigger challenge.


Whilst on Gumtree I also scouted for a few key pieces to full his space and make it feel more like a kids room. I sourced a very cool wooden grocery store from Melissa and Doug, which he absolutely loves. I also found quite a few people who custom make kids beds, if anyone is looking.

Another D.I.Y. element that I added to his room, which was really quick and inexpensive to make was the addition of some floating shelves to the wall to display a few toys and pieces of art, some of which was made by Nina, Rex and myself. And when I say floating shelves, I mean two identical planks of wood that I had cut at the hardware that we then attached to the wall using a set of white steel brackets. The best part is that you can make them as long as you like and they’ll only cost you a couple of hundred bucks.



Another way to bring the room together is to paint or wallpaper one main wall, which really makes the room feel fuller and adds a bit of texture to it. Adding a few simple things in a considered colour scheme like a rug, a picture or two to the wall and some curtains also really goes a long way in a scenario like this. The room quickly went from non-descript to Rex’s in no time at all.

In the beginning, I think it’s a good idea to perhaps put aside a bunch of things that you no longer use in the house and then sell it online to get a bit of a budget going. Then if you feel like an adventure of sorts, go the D.I.Y route regarding the art, bed and things like shelves, it not only works out a bit cheaper, but it’s pretty awesome being able to say that you made something with your two bare hands or in my case, my husbands two bare hands! 🙂










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1 Comment

  • Reply Lameez Williams December 20, 2019 at 5:22 am

    You just give me so many ideas for my kids , boys room we moving and I loove your ideas great to create for any kid,:)

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