I’m off till next week and i’m so excited to have a few days to myself to do absolutely nothing or shop or sleep or watch Sopranos or whatever. I’m think i’m going to go shopping now in fact.
Found these beautiful bags on the internet, wish at least one of them was coming with me. I’ll be shopping posting later xxxx x Anyone else who has this week off, high-5!!!
Gah! Drooool! I want the first bag. My fake louis vuitton bag is sundering!
(I didn’t buy it for the name, but for the style, Promise!)
Hope you have a lovely week off. Journalists don’t have that privilege. Such is life.
Have fun! I however have to sit at work..
ladypants i am doing those exact same things this week 🙂
weeeeeeeeeee x
enjoy your fabulous free time!
That last bag is so, so beautiful! I really want it – I want something we sparkles on!