art, DESIGN, paintings, PLACES

Tea time. Art time.

March 12, 2012

A couple of weekends ago we went to Double Shot in Braamfontien for a tea tasting. I have never been to one before, but it was really interesting to hear about how different teas are made and where they come from. The only bad part about it was that my bladder was screaming blue murder afterwards, shame the poor little bugger.

We were actually tasting stuff for The Good Luck Club and at the end of the day we picked 6 for our menu. There is a pineapple and ginger rooibos, strawberry rooibos, Malawi green tea, hand-rolled Zomba pearls, which by the way is made from only the top 3 leaves of the tea plant that are then rolled into little parcels (see below). Masala chai and Thyolo black. So if you are feel like going on a tea adventure, pop in.

We also went past CO-OP afterwards, where we saw some really nice interior pieces, which you can see in my new post for itswhatiminto, as well as a few beautiful prints by Olaf Hajek. I really loved the black and white one of the girl (below), so much so that I thought I would include a few more pictures of his work for you to oooh and aaaa over. Oh art how I thee.

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  • Bronwen March 12, 2012 at 10:11 am

    I am studying in London at the moment and I am coming home in June. I am so excited to visit The Good Luck Club. It looks amazing! I read your blog every day because I miss Jozi so much, it gives me a little dose of home for the day.