I can’t wait to tell you guys about this super awesome LOCAL service that I’ve discovered and instantly fallen in love with called Storytime Club. Even the name makes me so happy and in case the name hasn’t given it away yet, this clever idea involves wonderful wonderful books, which in my opinion the more we have in the house the better, because both our kids love them.
So here’s the really cool part, Storytime Club is a subscription-based book club for children, run by the lovely Liza West who is the genius behind this simple way to make sure that your kid’s library is always full of new and amazing books. All you have to do is jump onto their website, choose your kid’s age group and then every month a little package will arrive with three brand new storybooks especially for your little one and the best part is that the service is only R299 a month, which includes all three books and delivery!
I think all parents know how super pricey kids books can be (especially nice ones), I know that I look at books sometimes in the shops and think ‘Man, that’s a lot for a few pieces of paper, for that price this book better know how to babysit too!’
I’m really loving being a part of this club and the funny part is that I get as excited, if not even more excited than the kids when one of these packages arrives at the door. Children’s books are like illustrative candy to me, I can’t get enough. Maybe it’s also because since Nina was born I haven’t managed to get through even a third of an actual adults book! How people find time to read is beyond me, two words in and I’m sleeping like a well-fed baby bear.
Two more reasons why I love it is that I like giving books as a part of presents when we go to other kids parties, so what I’ll do is keep two for Nina and then keep one aside to add to a gift. Books are always winners. The second reason, and again I know some parents will be nodding in agreement with me here, is it seems like kids like reading the same books over and over. Sometimes at bedtime, I will read the same book to Nina two times in a row, every night of the week. At least this way there are more options and I won’t find myself reciting ‘Hugless Douglas Needs A Hug’ everytime my brain finds a bit of downtime!
Storytime Club has been one of my favourite local online finds and I really hope a few of you get behind it! It’s a great service and the books that arrive every month, which are personally picked out by Liza are always really awesome.
Happy reading everyone!!!
1 Comment
What a great choice of books! The kids in my class, and I, loved the Winnie series, there are so many Winnie adventures and Room on the Broom is an absolute Kindergarten classic! Love, love, love this service.