Have any of you heard of St. Wolfgang? No? Me neither. But I googled it and it’s pretty, pretty like shrimp in pink mayo mmmmm….
St.Wolfgang is a small town in Austria that is hundreds of years old. There is a famous Inn there called the White Horse and even though I probably will never visit it, I have a little souvenir of the place. I present to you my St.Wolfgang horsey viewfinder. It’s it grand? I found this little guy at the Milnerton Market in Cape Town one windy afternoon. I wonder if it’s previous owners had fun there…maybe they’re the 2 on the right in this photo. Damn that lady’s camera is humongous and very professional looking.
This is my other souvenir viewfinder, it’s from Switzerland (1977) and it’s in the shape of a mini TV. Genius. I wish I could make mini viewfinder souvenirs for Wolves. How cool would that be?! You look through the wolves mouth and inside are different pictures of cake and maybe just one of the wolf’s mom at home on the couch huffing and puffing. It’ll be awesome. Ok, who can make viewfinders? Speak up.