Last night we flighted Dirty Dancing at one of our Wolves movie evenings (the last of these events sadly). I can’t believe how much I love this film, I was stuck in the moment Shane pressed play and because we were watching it in a room full of people, most of them strangers, I had to a. stop myself from singing out loud and b. prevent myself from dancing and I don’t mean small, sitting in a chair dancing, I’m talking wide arm movements and possibly some fist pumps and dropping to the ground action. I felt like a sparkler with a blanket over it’s head. So sad.
Anyway the last time I watched this movie I was in my early 20’s and I loved it then as much as I loved it now. In fact I think I will love it every time I watch it. Who of you out there are Dirty Dancing fans? You’ll know what I’m talking about.
*I can’t believe how young Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze are in this film, they were both so smooth in the face.
Interesting fact: Dirty Dancing was a low-budget film that was intended to be shown in theaters for one weekend only and then go straight to video, but it became a surprise hit and achieved massive international success. It was the first film to sell one million copies on video, and as of 2009, it earned over $214 million worldwide. Holy crap that’s a lot of loot. Pity Jennifer Grey used some of it to get a nose job, that apparently took her right off the celebrity radar. Sucks.
I had so much fun! I think we need a private screening night in the future so we can dance and sing as loudly and as arms open widely as we want! I was singing to my friend Simone all night – shame! 🙂
I absolutely love Dirty Dancing. Whenever im feeling a bit down I pull out my DD dvd. The soundtrack to this movie is just great!
I will love Dirty Dancing forever.
I wish I lived in that era. The clothing was wonderful, the music was wonderful.
Sorry I missed last night, I would of been in my element.
Man, Jennifer is so cool. I want that whole first outfit!
Oh my word, I have the DVD and watch it while saying all the words. When we were kids my sisters and I used to try and relive that damn scene when he picks her up – you have a pic of it. We’d scream with laughter and then hope we’d find a guy cool enough to do that.
THEN when we were on honeymoon my husband reenacted that scene for me in the sea, it was filled with laughter and was more funny than romantic and more clumsy than graceful, but man was it fun!
Those sounds like the best memories. I’m going to get shane to try lift me like that the next time we’re on a beach and in the water hahaha! I will probably have more luck lifting him 🙂
Frikkin love this movie, this movie was the reason I never minded being called a “baby” he he
I have this on my laptop and when ever ive had a particularly bad day, i watch this.
It always makes me feel so happy .
I can distinctly rememeber my once very young cousin doing some inspired dancing to this movie and everytime i watch it i want to bust out and do the same. youre not alne on that one.
Will always be one of my all time favorites 🙂
Saw it in the cinema when I was 11 and the soundtrack became the backing track to our first dance parties – so it will always have sweet and nostalgic associations for me 🙂