I don’t know if any of you are familiar with these pieces of art – they are made out of mirrors, paint and foil. Often when you find them, if you can find them, they are in Afrikaans and are about God and bible verses or fathers and mothers, the home etc. I absolutely love them! I don’t own many, because I haven’t came across many in my antique travels and often when I do see them they are not for sale. I hate that!
I only have 2 of these pieces and the one is broken and should be thrown away, but I can’t bring myself to do that. The bird one is my latest acquisition, whoever owned it before me thought that reframing it in this lekker modern black frame was a good idea. Wow. Wrong. The frame is horrible but easily changed, the picture however is amazing. Guys these are proper old school Afrikaans pieces of décor awesomeness, I’d recommend buying one if you see it, even if it’s only to resell it back to me at a later stage ha.
As a native Afrikaner, I have not seen this variety at all. I have seen the framed embroidered pieces with bible verses etc.
My Ouma had those flying ducks upon her wall, wood carved sofas with the pink cushioning, the porcelain animals (that you love so much).
Maybe this was one of the things woman made to keep themselves busy? It feels strange seeing this for the first time and reading what you wrote as well…
Uhm… Strangeness. I have always wanted to ask, where did you guys get your springbokkie from?
Maybe we can figure out how it was made and custom make a portrait one of Shane and yourself?
geez, now that would be awesome!
they are quite hard to come by, but they definitely exist, ask your gran about them maybe she can shed some light on the situation.
I really like that! I also haven’t ever seen them before. I would like to see what frame you put on there though!
It doesnt look so hard to recreate, although i often think stuff like that, and then i try make the said stuff, and end up missing parts of my fingers, or glueing my nose to my knee and feeling pretty swak. anyway you should give it a bash, or find an artsy friend who can try for you… why not pull the broken one apart, and see its innards… then start one from scratch…. use a stencil 🙂
pretty frikken rad!
I am going to venture a guess… the glass is painted on the inside (backwards), then they just added a sheet of tin foil. You can buy paint to use on glass.
So you would need a stencil of the photo, put it on the outside of the glass and then draw/paint it on the inside.
That does not sound tooo difficult.
That sounds doable, i think if i had to attempt one it would probably be the most ridiculous thing i have ever made, but actually the raddest thing I have ever made ha! maybe.