clothes, FASHION, interviews, Levis and Me

Levis and Me – Doug Bower

November 28, 2013


Levis time and this week I bring you one of the funniest and most kind hearted humans I know, Douglas Bower. He has been a friend of mine for a long time now and I’m so happy that he came into my life. He is a super good photographer and has a general knowledge on him like no one’s business. Everyone say hi to Dougie….

Last week’s Levis and Me – Warren van Rensburg



1. What city do you live in, and how long have you called it home?

Cape town for one and a half years

2.What do you do?

Whatever I can… I try do some photography and I try do some woodwork both things bring me joy.

3. What is one of the raddest things you have done wearing a pair of jeans?

Used a chainsaw..

4. If you could live in someone else’s ‘jeans’ for a day who would that person be?

<insert rich person here>

5. What is the one thing/person that influences your style the most? Probably being manly.

6. Would you rather have Oprah’s face growing out your chest or her feet out your back? Face definitely. Oprah probably has thick ass feet But her face at least makes me think of those video compilations of goats screaming.


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