A friend of mine uploaded a photo of Justine Mahoney’s work on Facebook and I fell in love with it instantly. Justine Mahoney is an artist based in Cape Town who she makes the most amazing sculptures. They remind me a little bit of Francios Van Reenen’s work, but they’re still really cool!
I think I need and not want the sculpture above of the twins, it’s so awesome.
– Justine Mahoney’s current work is based on one seminal miniature sculpture which recall’s her first memory. At the age of three she was hospitalised for a bone degenerating disease in her left leg, a plaster cast was worn for that year. Her work deals with the struggle of life. Emotional and physical states are represented by an array of growths, swellings, attachments and almost parasitic mutations. An army of toy soldiers multiply. Siamese twin, freak, maimed, wounded, weighted, monstrous, transformed children belie their perfect toy like surface.
1 Comment
Oh wow! Amazing……