
hej hej x-o-x

September 22, 2008

My pretty friends and I have just come back from a 10 day hoilday in Amsterdam and Sweden. This is the 4 of us in our rad flat in Amsterdam. Man alive it was fun. We walked a lot. We shopped a lot. We went into H&M a lot (Gina wanted to kill us a lot for doing that). We bought high-waisted pants a lot. We ate a lot of junk. We ate a lot of pasta and drank a lot of tea. In fact I think I nearly gave birth to a tea baby. No lies. But all in all it was awesome and I learnt 2 very important things over there. 1. I have the nicest friends EVER and 2. How to say hello in Swedishin: hej hej.

Woop! Where to next ladies? Mexico perhaps?

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