Churche, FASHION, photography

Churche – Peek

October 17, 2017

Churche - Peek

I’m so excited to show you guys the entire series that we (Churche) shot for a great initiative called Peek created by the Craft and Design Institute to showcase beautiful products made locally in South Africa. Peek has an online store that stocks a lot of really cool products made by an array of people who are located all over South Africa from city centers to rural areas.

We wanted to do something different in order to showcase some of the items you can buy on the site, so we ordered a variety of things that we liked and we made outfits out of them to use in our shoot. We then got the beautiful Gladys Brown onboard and shot on the amazing grounds of Hertford Country Hotel.

I’d love to hear what you think of the shoot. Adi and I had really enjoyed creating the different elements for this project, it’s always cool when you can get to be so hands-on with the props and outfits. The names and links for everything we used are at the end of this post if you’ve spotted something that you like. I personally think the knitted monkey dress should be worn by someone amazing to an awards show! Hehe.

And again if anyone/brand big or small is keen to work with us, please drop me so we can chat – angie@luckypony.co.za

Churche - Peek-2

Churche - Peek-3

Churche - Peek-6

Churche - Peek-13

Churche - Peek-4

Churche - Peek-5

Churche - Peek-7

Churche - Peek-8

Churche - Peek-9

Churche - Peek-10

Churche - Peek-11

Churche - Peek-12

Churche - Peek-14

Churche - Peek-16

Churche - Peek-15

Churche - Peek-17

Photographer/art director: Angie Batis Durrant

Stylist/art director: Adi Koen

Model: Gladys Brown from Boss Models

Knitted monkeys – Busy Hands

Patterned carpet – Smir Design 

Woven baskets (giant headpiece) – Design Afrika

Leather shoes – Matsidiso Shoes 

Bow ties – Afternoon 

Tulle skirts and high-waisted shorts – I Speak Gayle 

Pink woven baskets and beaded animals – Africa Ignite

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1 Comment

  • Reply Angelina Jones July 26, 2018 at 1:14 pm

    Such wonderful photography! I love the rattan basket hat. It makes me laugh but looks cool as well.

    From Angelina at https://chicindah.com

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