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awesome stuff

art, awesome stuff, design, places to go, wolves

Hey The Dude, how about a doodle?

October 11, 2011

Are you bored? Do you want something to do? Are your hands bigger than your face and smell like cabbage? If you have answered yes to all or some of these questions, then this post is for you.

So here you go guys, some fun stuff to do this week. If you haven’t watched The Big Lebowski, then get yourself over to Wolves tomorrow night (there is no cover charge) for some popcorn and a white Russians (White Russians H E L L O) and then on Friday night get your drawing skills or semi-skills out and come have a beer and sketch also at Wolves. It’s like fun central on Corlett Drive, so hope to see you there x

antiques, awesome stuff, jewellery, things i want

Move over Frodo, this precious is mine.

October 6, 2011

Ok, so already I’m planning on stealing Juliette’s Missibaba bag and now I want Este’s vintage ring that she bought and had shipped in from San Fransico. This amazing piece of jewelry comes from the 1800’s and is still in it’s original setting. The diamonds are rose cut and I can tell you something for nothing, in real life this ring is a-m-a-z-i-n-g, like  a lost waterfall in a desert.

By the end of the week I’m either going to be decked out in new accessories or sitting in jail watching SABC 2. I’m hoping for the former.

awesome stuff, clothes, products, things i want

I’m gonna get you kitty kat.

October 5, 2011

Juliet is a newbie at work, she has only been here 3 days. This is her Missibaba handbag, which I plan on skillfully stealing out her office when I conveniently send her downstairs to reception for a ‘mysterious delivery’.  She walked in with it his morning and all I could think was “you will be mine cat face bag, oh yes you will”.

I would love to own a Missibaba, I think I would have a super hard time choosing one, but once I did I would love it forever, like 2 penguins in the cold cold Antarctic night.

Here are some other bags from this collection. Swoon.


awesome stuff, clothes

Green is for go.

October 4, 2011

Today I decided that I would green myself up a bit. I bought this green t-shirt from Mr P, which is very unlike me, in fact I thing It may be one of only two things in my cupboard that I own that is green, but i’m kind of liking it. It makes me feel happy, it also makes me feel like there is absolutely no chance someone is going to hit me with their car, if I by mistake cross the road without looking both ways. Safety first.

I also bought this floral bow hairlcip from Mr P over the weekend, I quite like it, I do.