awesome stuff, bands/music, clothes, wolves

Bye bye weekend

March 15, 2010

This weekend went by so super fast. there was so much going on – I kind of like that and don’t like it at the same time, if you know what I mean?


But anyway, I have some exciting news to share with everyone – Elle Decor is doing a double page spread on Wolves, I think it’s going to be in the next issue. How cool? They came to shoot us on Saturday morning. I’m so excited about it. I think i’m going to buy like 9 copies when it comes out hee.


Went to watch Desmond on Saturday night. They played at a 21st in Alberton. Wow. The kids went super friggin crazy. It was so awesome. I just stood behind Desmond and watched everyone sing along to every song,  I also witnessed a girl flash the boys so they would play another song, funny thing was none of them saw it, just me hahah and I didn’t sing anything for her. Shame.


Then on Sunday I went on a giant, long assed grocery shop for Wolves, and to reward myself for all the running around, I bought this jersey, which I will one day wear on my 540 foot yacht that I plan on buying. I want this thing to be so ridiculously big that P. Diddy will make a little pee pee when he sees it sail by and then everyone will laugh and call him P. Peepee for the rest of his living days. Hells yes. (thanks Mr Price x x x x)

*bye bye nice weekend x

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  • Leigh March 15, 2010 at 12:30 pm

    Ahh lily. I love that zombie dog, and those freezo thingies from wolves mmmmm….
    Nice cardi, pants. Very nice.

    You’re getting to see a lot of boob lately!

  • Lauren March 15, 2010 at 1:42 pm

    All very super cool! Congrats on the Elle feature! Can I get that jersey too? It’s amazo! x

  • diana March 15, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    SCORE on the elle deco feature

  • admin March 15, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    thanks guys x x x

    leigh, boob? what? hahhaaa!

  • The Latest « Life with Luca March 15, 2010 at 11:04 pm

    […] (Exmi, The Reluctant Mom, Baby Schepers) and a few that I’ve just recently subscribed to (Lucky Pony, The Jackson Files, My Jellybean Journey) when all of a sudden I was struck by the dreaded […]

  • marietjie March 16, 2010 at 10:23 pm

    i told you a lie when i said i will send goods today. sorry. i wanted too really badly but had to go for a meeting in town and got home late. now i will not make false promises any more. a package is coming but i cant tell you the exact date, cause maybe it will make me into a liar again. and the more i lie the shittier i will feel and that will be crap. i promise its coming and i promise it will come in the next week that i can promise. promise.

  • admin March 16, 2010 at 10:28 pm

    hahhaa don’t stress friend. whenever you’re ready xx

  • Cupcake Couture March 17, 2010 at 8:11 am

    I really like this post. Such great nice pics. Congrats on Elle Decor feature. I will drool over the pages until I can visit in person. Eeeeek! Please enlighten us as to when it is out. x

  • Louise March 18, 2010 at 11:19 pm

    How cool? AMAZING SUPER did-a-little-wee-wee cool, that’s how cool. Buy twenty copies. No, buy fifty copies! Get so many that you have to use them as as coffee table, because they took up so much space that you had to get rid of your coffee table.

  • Louise March 18, 2010 at 11:19 pm

    ps. very pleased for you x